Country information

Nature and animal world

Nature plays a crucial role in the Kingdom of Bhutan. A journey through Bhutan is an encounter with pristine nature.

The flora and fauna are abundant and unique. Bhutan is among the countries with the most diverse species landscape and the highest number of protected areas. More than 30% of the country is designated as national parks, and in addition, there are biological corridors connecting another 10% of the land, thus linking the national parks together. Furthermore, Bhutan's constitution mandates that 60% of the total land area must be forested to offset the CO2 emissions from human activities and industry.

Bhutan has already achieved the remarkable feat of converting more CO2 into clean air than the country itself produces. This proud achievement is also proclaimed in a video by Tshering Tobgay. It's no wonder that environmental conservation is a crucial factor for Gross National Happiness.

Yak in Bhutan on the Laya Trek, Majestic Himalayan Animal
Yaks, which play an important role in Bhutan's economic system
Yaks, which play an important role in Bhutan's economic system
Yaks as farm animals in the Himalayas of Bhutan
Yak nomads in the mountains of Bhutan
Yaks in Bhutan, led by mountain people through remote valleys and mountain passes to find new pastures
Nationalparks in Bhutan - Jigme Dorji Nationalpark
Bhutan Red Panda
Phobjikha Valley Crane Valley
White-bearded langur - monkeys in Bhutan
Valley of the Cranes Phobjika Valley near Gangtey

Diversity in Bhutan's Nature: Botanical Beauty

Preserving these areas is already paying off. Surveys have found over 5,500 species of plants, with 300 categorized as medicinal plants. It's no wonder that these are used as the basis for medicines in traditional hospitals.

For botanists, Bhutan's typically diverse nature was once known as the "Southern Valley of the Medical Plants." At lower elevations, you'll find pines, oaks, cypresses, and the colorful blooming rhododendrons in spring. In higher altitudes, you'll encounter pines, junipers, and Himalayan cedars. Even at high mountain passes at 5000 meters, you'll find small alpine flowers as a floral greeting from Bhutan's nature to trekkers and nomads. Up to 4000 meters, there are meadows with abundant flower varieties, where you can find edelweiss and gentians among others.

In spring, magnolias, orchids, and primroses bloom in colorful splendor. In the cool winter months, warmer valleys like Ranjung and Punakha are adorned with alleys of red shining poinsettias. In the subtropical regions, large ferns grow, and various mosses hang from tall trees. Additionally, huge bamboo groves reach towards the sky, adding to the lush greenery.

Bhutan's national flower, the blue poppy, is mainly found during the humid summer months, blooming amidst a variety of colors of the poppy flower.

Travel offers

All offers can be personalized, experience Bhutan as it would otherwise never be possible!

Individual trips

Bhutan Homestay Explorer


10 Tage



max. Höhe

4000 m




3.420 €

Trekking holidays

Dagala Trek to the Thousand Lakes


15 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4900 m




5.670 €

Individual trips

Individual travel “Flexi-Experience” travel & trekking


1-50 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4000 m




from 380,00 € per night

The Lively Part of Bhutan's Nature: Wildlife

Over 580 species of birds attract ornithologists and birdwatchers from around the world every year.

Even the German Max Planck Society conducts research projects in ornithology in Bhutan due to its prevailing natural environment. The endangered black-necked crane can also be found here occasionally, along with many other migrating animals. Overall, one can witness an breathtaking diversity of species.

Over 165 mammal species have been counted in this relatively small country. The large variety of animals is also due to the significant climate and altitude differences. Thus, within Bhutan's nature, one can move from 200 meters above sea level in the south to 7000 meters up to the highest peaks of the world - the Himalayas in the north.

In the mountain regions, one can even spot eagles and other birds of prey in the sky, while the south is home to the rare hornbills.

The Kingdom of Bhutan, Conservation, and Species

Particularly encouraging is the trend of rare animals migrating to Bhutan. Recent reports show a growing population of tigers immigrating from the lower regions of India. Some snow leopards have also been spotted in the wild, marking an initial success of numerous projects aimed at preserving these endangered big cats. In other valleys of the higher mountains, one can find wild takins, pheasants, and blue sheep. A rich variety of monkey species have also chosen the forests of Bhutan as their home.

Both the prevailing religion and the goal of Gross National Happiness advocate for conservation and promote respect and protection of plants and animals as a motto. The results are already visible. This, along with the preservation of prevailing forest areas and the generation of electricity through hydropower (and potentially solar energy in the future), demonstrate a truly ecologically and sustainably oriented nation.

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Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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