Country information


30. April 2024

30. April 2024

The landlocked state of Bhutan is located in South Asia and covers an area of 38,394 square kilometers. Thus, the Land of the Thunder Dragon is only slightly larger than Switzerland. Experience the impressive Himalayan mountain range, which spans the entire country. The eastern regions of Bhutan are almost entirely covered by mountains.

The country is divided into 20 administrative districts, each headed by a governor called Dzongdag. Agriculture is the driving economic force of Bhutan. Nearly 70% of the population work primarily in the valleys of the country.

Bhutan Map

The Location of Bhutan

Located to the north of China and to the south of India, surrounded by its large neighbors, Bhutan has managed to preserve its independence. The Indian states of Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh border Bhutan to the south.

In total, Bhutan has approximately 700,000 inhabitants, with the majority of people living in the Front Himalayas at elevations of 2000 to 3000 meters. The capital city Thimphu is home to approximately 104,000 residents. In the south of the country lies the narrow Duar plain, which is 12 to 16 kilometers wide and is part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra plain.

In the north, where Bhutan borders the Chinese region of Tibet, we encounter the high mountain region of Lunana. The majority of the country is situated at elevations above 2000 meters. The highest peak in the country is Kula Kangri, reaching 7,553 meters.

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National parks

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Country information

Nature and animal world

Enjoy the Green Flora

75% of Bhutan is covered in forests. It is even legally mandated to maintain this forest coverage in the future. Nearly half of these areas are designated as protected national parks. The four national parks provide a protected home for animals and plants that are threatened in their existence.

Environmental protection has been mandated by law. According to this law, the environment always takes precedence over economic interests. The proper awareness of nature with all its animals and plants is even instilled in every student. Bhutan is home to over 5,500 different plant species.

Those who have experienced the rhododendron and magnolia bloom beginning in March will be enchanted by the beauty of the country. In the rainy summer, temperatures usually do not exceed 30°C. The rain usually subsides in time for the rice harvest in October.

The Fauna - Animals are Sacred

The global climate change naturally also has an impact on the unique flora and fauna of the country. According to Buddhist belief, every living being is equally valuable, from humans to ants. Therefore, all living beings must be protected equally and not killed.

The country possesses a breathtaking biodiversity that is unparalleled worldwide. Let yourself be enchanted by over 770 bird species and approximately 165 mammals, some of which are unique to Bhutan. Rare snow leopards and wild takins, blue sheep, pheasants, and several species of monkeys enrich Bhutan's fauna. Even the population of tigers in the country is increasing. Bhutan is the last sanctuary for all endangered species.

Travel offers

All offers can be personalized, experience Bhutan as it would otherwise never be possible!

Trekking holidays

Adventure Snowman Trek


34 Tage


Tent, Hotel

max. Höhe

5500 m




12.870 €

Individual trips

Individual travel “Flexi-Experience” travel & trekking


1-50 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4000 m




from 380,00 € per night

Individual trips

Crossing "Bhutan intensive" East-West round trip


18 Tage



max. Höhe

4000 m




6.460 €

Request an individual offer

Your contact

Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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