Buch "Glück"


Country information

Difficulty & Symbol Explanation

The difficulty rating provides an orientation for the tours. Generally, only a realistic difficulty rating can be given here under normal weather conditions. Please note the detailed descriptions of the respective trips or contact us directly. It is always recommended to undergo a medical examination and is in your own interest.

The descriptions are as follows; please also refer to the detailed descriptions of the respective trips or contact us personally.

Dagala Trek in Bhutan

1 Figure | Round trips and Easy hiking or Trekking

1-3 hours of normal walking or hiking. The focus is on encounters with the land and its people combined with hikes. The paths are well-trodden and require normal sure-footedness. The hikes are optional and can be omitted. Typically, they are day hikes.

2 Figures | Easy Trekking

2-4 hours of walking time. The altitudes range from 2000m to 4500m and require some good sure-footedness. You should definitely be an experienced mountain hiker and have a basic level of fitness.

The altitude gain for daily stages is not too high, i.e., 500m - 1000m can be managed partly daily. A medical examination is always recommended and is in your own interest.

3 Figures | Moderate Trekking

3-6 hours of walking time, sometimes longer. The paths are partly exposed and require good sure-footedness. You move at altitudes up to about 4500m to 5000m with a sleeping altitude up to 4000m. The ascents and descents are about 1000 meters in altitude per day.

You should be trained and have an excellent health condition. A medical check-up and physical preparation are mandatory and also in your own interest.

4 Figures | Challenging Trekking

4-7 hours and longer are to be managed almost daily. The trails go over high passes up to over 5000m altitude, it can snow, and the trails may be icy depending on conditions.

There are also sections over small glaciers and off-trail terrain. The ascents and descents to be tackled often exceed 1000m per day. You should be well trained and have an excellent health condition. A medical check-up and physical preparation are mandatory and in your own interest.

5 Figures | Difficult Trekking and Expeditions

6-8 hours, and up to 10 hours for pass crossings, at altitudes over 5500m are possible. Excellent physical condition, sure-footedness, and freedom from vertigo are required. Exposed trail sections, sometimes in snow and ice, are possible.

Long ascents and descents, wild terrain - sometimes several days, pose high demands. The use of crampons and lightweight crampons may be necessary. It's best to contact us directly to assess each tour. A medical check-up and physical preparation are mandatory and are in your own interest.

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Federal Foreign Office

Country information

National parks


Western Bhutan: A paradise in the Himalayas

Travel offers

All offers can be personalized, experience Bhutan as it would otherwise never be possible!

Trekking holidays
Adventure Snowman Trek

34 Tage


Tent, Hotel

max. Höhe

5500 m




12.870 €

Trekking holidays
Dagala Trek to the Thousand Lakes

15 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4900 m




5.670 €

Individual trips
Individual travel “Flexi-Experience” travel & trekking

1-50 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4500 m




390,00 €

Request an individual offer

Your contact

berghorizonte Geschäftsführer Managing Director Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

Ihre Reisewünsche: z.B. Reiseziel, Inhalte, Reiselänge, Zeitraum, Komfortgrad etc.

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