
Travel Guide & Literature

Travel literature and guides about Bhutan transport readers to the fascinating kingdom in the Himalayas, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and deeply rooted Buddhist traditions. These works offer detailed insights into the country's culture, history, and attractions, assisting travelers in planning unforgettable adventures. Whether it's majestic dzongs, remote monasteries, or colorful festivals, Bhutan has something to offer everyone.

The New Bhutan Book of Happiness
The New Bhutan Book of Happiness
Travel guides and literature about Bhutan
Bhutan travel guide
Bhutan Trekking Reiseführer
literature about Bhutan

Our Recommendation: The Bhutan Travel Guide from Trescher Verlag in collaboration with Berghorizonte

In 2016, the Trescher Verlag, in collaboration with berghorizonte, published a comprehensive German-language travel guide about the mysterious "Land of the Thunder Dragon," as Bhutan is called in its national language. With his extensive expertise, Christian Schubert, an experienced specialist in Bhutan travel (your Bhutan tour operator from berghorizonte), contributed to the creation of this detailed travel guide.

Bhutan - Exploring the Himalayan Kingdom

Bhutan is a small country located in the eastern Himalayas, known for its breathtaking nature, impressive mountain landscapes, and deeply rooted Buddhist culture. Not only are the many historical mountain villages worth a visit, but also the imposing fortresses and magnificent temple complexes.

Bhutan is also characterized by the colorful diversity of its folk culture. For nature lovers, hikers, and anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, the Himalayan Kingdom offers countless idyllic hiking trails and challenging mountain paths for trekking of all difficulty levels.

As one of the most up-to-date travel companions, this book showcases the cultural and historical richness of Bhutan and provides you with information about all the sights. Comprehensive practical advice will assist you in planning and realizing your dream journey to a land full of wonders and mysteries, where happiness is the ultimate goal of the state.

Product Information:

- Paperback: 444 pages

- Publisher: Trescher, 1st edition 2016

- Language: German

- ISBN-10: 3897943506

- ISBN-13: 978-3897943506

- Size and/or Weight: 12.1 x 2.2 x 19 cm

Order from Trescher Verlag

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Bhutan - Edition Erde Travel Guide: Valuable Information on the Country and Culture

Despite - or perhaps precisely because - Bhutan is one of the least known and developed travel destinations worldwide, it is becoming increasingly interesting as a holiday destination for many people.

Because the small kingdom embodies much of what we have lost in our hectic, technology-dominated home: tranquility, originality, and peace. Just a brief glance at the cover of this travel guide awakens longings you didn't even know you harbored. In such a world where humans and Mother Earth are still in harmony, there are countless wonders to marvel at and the wild beauty of untouched nature to enjoy.

To preserve this precious asset, Bhutan only accepts a few tourists each year. In this way, the small country preserves its precious environment and traditional values. And indeed: in the Himalayan kingdom, time seems to have stood still. For visitors, Bhutan has become the real Shangri-La, a thoroughly mythical land.

With the help of this travel guide, you will gain a detailed insight into the history, culture, religion, geography, and economy of the region. You will learn everything you need to know about historical sights and the country's typical architecture. Let yourself be transported to a mythical kingdom where you can encounter countless fascinating people and admire breathtaking nature.

Product Information:

- Paperback: 304 pages

- Publisher: Edition Temmen, 12th edition 2014

- Language: German

- ISBN-10: 386108810X

- ISBN-13: 978-3861088103

- Size and/or Weight: 14.2 x 2.2 x 20.3 cm

Order on Amazon.

For all English-speaking hiking enthusiasts - Bhutan: A Trekker's Guide (Cicerone Guides)

This special travel guide, previously available only in English, introduces you to 27 hiking trails ranging from 2 to 24 days in duration.

With a focus on Bhutan's mountain paths and trekking routes, this guide provides important information on all preparation measures and specific fitness requirements. You'll also learn a lot about the country and its people.

Product Information:

- Format: Kindle Edition

- File Size: 34799 KB

- Print Length: 332 pages

- Publisher: Cicerone Press, 2nd edition 2014

- Language: English

- ASIN: B00KG3RY50

Order on Amazon.

Publisher Berghorizonte presents its Bhutan Book: Happiness

Our book recommendation for every trip to Bhutan

happiness. - A Tribute to Bhutan

Price including shipping and VAT: €39

  • ISBN: 978-3-00-060403-4
  • Order at +49(0) 8362 - 930 86 72
  • or Email:

or on Amazon at: Glück.

Here is the information page for the book edition happiness. by berghorizonte

In the Land of Dreams: Books and Literature about Bhutan

Bhutan is a land full of mysteries, where one believes to have entered a completely different, more perfect world. Nowhere else is so much emphasis placed on preserving cultural values and high standards of living, nowhere else is there a continuous effort to promote happiness, social, and economic justice.

A kingdom where gross national happiness weighs heavier than gross domestic product, where the protection of nature is of utmost priority, and the happiness of the population comes first: that is Bhutan.

The Happiest Country in the World: My Life in Bhutan

Impressive images of breathtaking mountain landscapes, forests teeming with life, and crystal-clear rivers evoke great wanderlust even in observers who have never delved deeper into the mysterious Himalayan kingdom. When American Linda Leaming first traveled to Bhutan, she instantly lost her heart to the small country in South Asia.

With much humor, she recounts her adventurous stays in the "Land of the Thunder Dragon," how she learned the national language Dzongkha, immersed herself in a world shaped by Buddhism, and ultimately married Bhutanese artist Namgay. Leaming lovingly portrays a country where inner peace, happiness, and compassion are taken for granted.

Product Information:

- Paperback: 304 pages

- Publisher: NG Taschenbuch, 2013

- Language: German

- ISBN-10: 3492404723

- ISBN-13: 978-3492404723

- Original Title: Lachen im Land des Donnerdrachens: Mein Leben in Bhutan

- Size and/or Weight: 11.8 x 2.5 x 18 cm

Further Literature and Coffee Table Books about Bhutan

Bhutan inspires and enchants its visitors. Here, there is a worldview that sees inner peace, happiness, and contentment as the highest values that humans can strive for. Bhutan is almost a utopia; a counter-world where our homey hustle and bustle does not exist and where the focus is on originality and living in harmony with oneself. The following volumes capture the magic of Bhutan and take you to the small, fascinating kingdom amidst the Himalayas.

- Nestroy, Harald: Bhutan Picture Book. Edition Panorama, 3rd edition 2012. ISBN: 978-3898232890.

- Sonntag, Beatrice: Discover Bhutan. BoD Norderstedt. ISBN: 978-3732261741.

- Tho, Ha Vinh: The Right to Happiness - Bhutan's Model for Successful Coexistence. Nymphenburger Verlag, 2nd edition 2014. ISBN: 978-3485028172.

- Wangchuck, Ashi Dorji Wangmo: Treasures of the Thunder Dragon - A Portrait of Bhutan (English). Penguin Global, 2007. ASIN: B01FGLD50E.

- Zeppa, Jamie: My Life in Bhutan: As a Woman in the Land of the Gods. Piper, 2009. ISBN: 978-3492263474.

Country Studies and Travel Experiences: Discovering and Understanding Bhutan

Bhutan's strict nature conservation policy has led to an incredibly diverse flora and fauna. In the green forests of the small Himalayan kingdom, countless rare and endangered species of animals and plants find a home. Let yourself be shown a world full of diversity and richness of species and discover the treasures that mysterious Bhutan has to offer.

- Inskipp, Carol/Inskipp, Tim/Grimmett, Richard: Birds of Bhutan (English). Helm Field Guides, A & C Black Publisher. ISBN: 978-0713669909.

- Namgyel, Thinley/Tenzin, Karma: Flowers of Bhutan (English). WWF Bhutan, ISBN: 978-9993678502.

- Weiss, Walter M.: Journey through Bhutan. Verlagshaus Würzburg - Stürtz, 2nd edition 2014. ISBN: 978-3800341160.

Further Books on Country Studies and Travel Experiences

- Nestroy, Harald (2012, 3rd edition): Bhutan Picture Book, Edition Panorama, ISBN 9783898232890.

- Sonntag, Beatrice (2014): Discover Bhutan, BoD Norderstedt, ISBN 9783732261741.

- Tho, Ha Vinh (2014): The Right to Happiness - Bhutan's Model for Successful Coexistence (Ha Vinh Tho is the Director of the Gross National Happiness Center in Bhutan).

- Wangchuck, Ashi Dorji Wangmo (Queen of Bhutan) (2014): Treasures of the Thunder Dragon - A Portrait of Bhutan (English).

- Zeppa, Jamie (2009): My Life in Bhutan: As a Woman in the Land of the Gods, Piper Verlag, ISBN 97834922633474.

Nature and Landscape Books about Bhutan

- Inskipp, Carol, Inskipp, Tim, Grimmett, Richard (2011): Birds of Bhutan (English), Helm Field Guides, A & C Black Publisher, ISBN 9780713669909.

- Namgyel, Thinley, Tenzin, Karma (2009): Flowers of Bhutan (English), WWF Bhutan, ISBN 9789993678502.

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Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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