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When is the best time to travel to Bhutan?

Bhutan, the mysterious kingdom in the Himalayas, is a dream destination for active and cultural travelers. To experience the impressive beauty and cultural treasures of this country to the fullest, choosing the best time to travel to Bhutan is crucial. Berghorizonte, your expert for Bhutan, offers you tailor-made Bhutan trips that are perfectly tailored to the ideal travel time.

From March to May, in spring, Bhutan turns into a colorful paradise. Rhododendrons bloom in full splendor and the valleys shine in vibrant colors. This time of year is ideal for tours and small medium-altitude treks up to 4500m to discover the scenic and cultural highlights of Bhutan.

Autumn, from the end of September to the end of November, is considered the best time to travel to Bhutan. The clear weather offers breathtaking views of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks and is perfect for trekking tours and cultural festivities as well as monastery festivals that want to delve deep into the spiritual world of Bhutan.

Although summer and winter have their own charms, spring and autumn are the preferred times for Bhutan travel. With Berghorizonte as your tour operator, you will find the optimal time to travel to Bhutan and experience unforgettable tours and trekking adventures. Trust in our expertise and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of Bhutan.

Experience Bhutan at Its Best Travel Season

Our Recommendation for the Best Time to Travel to Bhutan

We recommend traveling to Bhutan from late September to late December as the best time. Additionally, the period from March to early June is ideal for traveling and trekking, especially for shorter treks.

For travelers who wish to enjoy mountain views during their Bhutan trip, October and early December are perfect. These months offer clear skies and warming sun above 2500m, making trekking at all elevations possible. For trekking with contrasting scenery, March, April, and May are the best times, allowing hikes up to 4500m amidst blooming vegetation. However, be aware that high-altitude passes may still be snow-covered and impassable during this period.

Winter begins in Bhutan from late December, occasionally bringing snow down to 2500m. Despite this, the weather remains mostly dry with minimal precipitation, and the valleys have a mild climate with less severe winters. This season is a hidden gem for tours and short treks at lower elevations, offering clear skies and perfect mountain views with few tourists. Trekking above 4000m is not feasible due to the cold, but winter treks in southern Bhutan, between 1000m and 3500m, are very enjoyable and offer a unique charm.

From early June to mid-September, Bhutan experiences its monsoon season. During these months, the mountains are often shrouded in clouds, temperatures are mild, and the snow line rises above 5000m. The lowlands can be hot and humid with frequent rain. The Himalayas act as a climatic barrier, causing heavy precipitation on the southern slopes, while some high-altitude valleys leading to Tibet remain relatively dry and temperate, making summer visits possible and interesting for those exploring the border areas.

Summer is also suitable for group tours, individual trips, and special trekking tours. The vegetation is lush and green, and Bhutan's natural beauty still shines.

Cultural and sightseeing tours in Bhutan are best undertaken from late September to early January and from March to early June. Enjoy pleasant temperatures, vibrant festivals, and blooming landscapes in spring. City excursions are also ideal during these months.

Bhutan Climate Chart: Sunny Days, Rainy Days, and Temperatures
Bhutan Climate Chart: Sunny Days, Rainy Days, and Temperatures
Rhododendrons and Flowers Blossom in Spring in Bhutan
Jacaranda tree with the Punakha Dzong
Experience Bhutan at its Best Travel Season
Snow is possible at any time of the year in Bhutan above 3000m


The Mountain Regions of the Himalayas


Climate and weather

Country information

Nature and animal world
Comfort and deluxe holidays
Bhutan Deluxe "Hideaway & Happiness"

14 Tage



max. Höhe

3500 m




on request

Individual trips
Bhutan Comfort Trip “In the Land of Happiness”

7 Tage



max. Höhe

3500 m




4.590 €

Individual trips
Individual travel “Flexi-Experience” travel & trekking

1-50 Tage


Hotel, Tent

max. Höhe

4500 m




from 380,00 € per night

The best climate in Bhutan for the most beautiful trips

Basically, the climate in Bhutan is strongly influenced by the monsoon. This moves from the south to Bhutan every year and causes the dry and rainy seasons to alternate. This is essentially the main cycle that can be observed climatically.

And so we tailor your travel planning to what you are planning and when the weather conditions in Bhutan offer the best time to travel.

We would be happy to give you our best recommendations and tips for your perfect Bhutan trip at the best time to travel...

Do you have any more questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

berghorizonte Geschäftsführer Managing Director Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

Ihre Reisewünsche: z.B. Reiseziel, Inhalte, Reiselänge, Zeitraum, Komfortgrad etc.

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