Buch "Glück"


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In Bhutan, only about 35% of the population live in cities, with over 60% making their livelihood from agriculture. In the largest city, Thimphu, over 80,000 Bhutanese reside. This city in the west of the country is the capital of Bhutan and is located only about 90 minutes away from the country's only international airport. The arrival of growth in the capital of Bhutan is evident not only in the more modern buildings but also in the first four-lane expressway, which brings arriving visitors to the center of Thimphu via two impressive bridges.

Thimphu city

Thimphu & the Largest Cities of Bhutan

Upon arrival, alongside historical architecture and traditionally dressed Bhutanese residents, one can find plenty of attractions. It's no wonder that Thimphu also boasts the highest density of hotels. Thimphu still remains the only capital in the world without traffic lights. How long this will remain so, given the current positive development in Bhutan, remains to be seen.

The capital of the Land of the Thunder Dragon is also the seat of government. Regularly, ministers gather in a fortress-like monastery complex. Additionally, the King of Bhutan has an office here. The actual main palace of the kings and their family is located about 7 km north of Thimphu.

Not only during the nationally beloved monastery festival in autumn do many visitors flock to the capital of Bhutan, but also attractions like the National Library or the Museum of Traditional Textile Arts attract many people. Also worth a visit are the Memorial Chortens for King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk, the state emporium for handicrafts, or the Trashichho-Dzong. And while you're in the capital of Bhutan, don't miss the atmospheric weekly market, where you can purchase local products and handicrafts. A highlight of a visit to Thimphu is definitely the visit to the Buddha statue, which, at 51 meters high, is one of the largest in the world.

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Gross National Happiness


When is the best time to travel to Bhutan?

Phuentsholing - Twin City on the Border

In the south lies the second largest city after the capital of Bhutan: Phuentsholing. Located directly on the border with India, here you can purchase products not only from neighboring India but also from various vendors. The city, twinned with Jaigaon on the Indian side, is bustling and primarily determined by trade and border crossings.

For non-Indian tourists, this border town is a way to enter Bhutan at the country level. Particularly noteworthy here, besides the attractive border gate, is the Karbandi Monastery with its wonderful view. Also, the Buddhist Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang Temple in the center of the city and a crocodile breeding station on the river are worth a visit for animal lovers.

Gelephu - Trading Center and Resort

With only 10,000 residents, Gelephu is the third-largest city in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Especially as a trading center, the border town in the south of the country convinces. Located at the border crossing to the Indian state of Assam, there is lively trade here and the opportunity for entry. Besides the international airport in Paro near the capital of Bhutan, Thimphu, there is also an airport in Gelephu. However, this is currently only used for rare domestic flights within Bhutan. There are plans, however, to open it for incoming flights from outside.

Besides a park and sports facilities, hot springs are located near Gelephu, which are very popular among the residents of Bhutan, especially in winter. Some healing properties are attributed to the water and a treatment called "Menchu". Why not give it a try! Another option for relaxation is found in the nearby Royal Manas National Park, where you can experience a great variety of animals and untouched nature.

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