Buch "Glück"



Cental Bhutan & Bumthang

Central Bhutan, with Bumthang as its cultural and spiritual center, is a region of profound significance and breathtaking landscapes. Central Bhutan includes the Dzongkhags (districts) of Bumthang, Trongsa, and Zhemgang. This area is the cultural heartland of Bhutan, rich in historical sites, sacred monasteries, and traditional Bhutanese architecture.

Jakar Dzong in the Bumthang region

The People

The people of Central Bhutan are known for their deep spirituality and strong adherence to Bhutanese customs and traditions. The region is home to various ethnic groups, primarily the Bumthangpa, who speak Bumthangkha, a distinct dialect. The community here is closely knit, and festivals play a vital role in their social and religious life.


Central Bhutan and Bumthang offer an array of attractions that showcase the region's rich heritage and natural beauty:

  1. Jakar Dzong: Known as the "Castle of the White Bird," this fortress-monastery is an important administrative and religious center.
  2. Kurje Lhakhang: One of Bhutan's most sacred monasteries, where Guru Rinpoche meditated and left his body imprint on a rock.
  3. Tamshing Lhakhang: A temple founded by the renowned saint Pema Lingpa, featuring ancient frescoes and a peaceful ambiance.
  4. Trongsa Dzong: A massive fortress that has been the seat of power for Bhutan's monarchs, offering stunning views over the Mangde River.

Cities and Towns

  • Jakar: Often referred to as Bumthang Town, Jakar is the main hub of the Bumthang Valley, known for its historic sites and serene beauty.
  • Trongsa: This town is centrally located and historically significant, serving as a strategic and political center.
  • Ura: A picturesque village in the Ura Valley, known for its traditional houses and vibrant festivals.
  • Chumey: Famous for its hand-woven Yathra textiles, this town is a center of traditional Bhutanese weaving.


Central Bhutan provides a variety of accommodation options that cater to different preferences, from luxury resorts to traditional guesthouses. Some notable choices include:

  • Amankora Bumthang: A luxurious lodge offering exceptional comfort and service amidst the tranquil Bumthang Valley.
  • Jakar Village Lodge: A charming guesthouse known for its hospitality and traditional Bhutanese architecture.
  • Rinchenling Lodges A traditional resort with excellent facilities and beautiful views of the Chokhor Valley.
  • Local Farmstays: For an authentic experience, visitors can stay in local farmhouses and immerse themselves in Bhutanese rural life.


Western Bhutan: A paradise in the Himalayas


The Mountain Regions of the Himalayas


Eastern Bhutan: The Undiscovered Jewel of the Himalayas

Hikes and Treks

Central Bhutan is ideal for hikers and trekkers, with numerous trails that pass through lush forests, traditional villages, and sacred sites. Some popular treks include:

  • Bumthang Owl Trek: A moderately challenging trek that offers stunning views of the Bumthang Valley and the chance to see diverse wildlife.
  • Ngang Lhakhang Trek: A short trek that takes you through beautiful valleys and forests to the sacred Ngang Lhakhang Monastery.
  • Ura Valley Trek: This trek provides a deep dive into Bhutanese culture, passing through traditional villages and offering spectacular mountain vistas.
  • Trongsa to Bumthang Trek: A historical route that follows ancient paths used by Bhutanese kings, providing insights into Bhutan's history and culture.


Central Bhutan and Bumthang are regions that epitomize the cultural and spiritual essence of Bhutan. Whether you're exploring ancient monasteries, trekking through picturesque valleys, or experiencing the warm hospitality of the Bhutanese people, Central Bhutan offers a unique and enriching travel experience. Plan your journey to the heart of Bhutan and uncover the timeless beauty and profound heritage of this enchanting country.

Do you have any more questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

berghorizonte Geschäftsführer Managing Director Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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