Buch "Glück"


Heli-tours in Bhutan

Bhutan from the air - our selected heli tours


1-3 Tage



max. Höhe

5000 m




upon request


Individual trips

Discover the majestic beauty of Bhutan with heli tours

Experience Bhutan from a new perspective. Our helicopter tours offer an extraordinary way to experience the majestic landscapes and historical landmarks of this enchanting kingdom. Whether soaring over the Himalayas or exploring hidden valleys, Bhutan Heli Tours offers an unforgettable adventure.


Safety and Comfort: Our modern H130 helicopters and experienced pilots ensure a safe, comfortable, and exciting journey.

Breathtaking Himalayan Views: Enjoy the stunning panorama of the Himalayas, including peaks like Mt. Jomolhari and Mt. Jichu Drakey.

Unique Destinations: Fly to remote locations and mysterious hidden lakes that are often inaccessible by traditional means.

Cultural Exploration: Discover Bhutan's rich heritage from a bird's eye view—ancient monasteries, traditional Bhutanese architecture, and vibrant valleys.

Paro Taktsang Tour (30 minutes): Discover the sacred Tiger’s Nest Monastery, perched dramatically on a cliffside. This short flight offers a glimpse into the spiritual and cultural highlights of the Paro Valley.

Snow-Covered Mt. Jomolhari Heli Tour (1 hour): Venture north to admire the world’s second-highest unclimbed mountain. Experience a stopover at the Jangothang base camp and capture the serene beauty of the turquoise lake.

Majestic Himalayan Mountain Tour (2 hours): Fly out to Mt. Jomolhari to experience the grandeur of the Himalayan range, including the Lingzhi Dzong, a fortress with a rich history.

Termine und Preise

Wir erstellen individuelle Reisen für Sie um Ihnen die perfekte Reise zu ermöglichen. Termine sind Frei wählbar.


pro Person

private trip (1 guest)

upon request

private trip (2 guests)

upon request

private trip (3-4 guests)

upon request

Helicopter Trip

auf Anfrage

Get your personalised recommendation now

All offers are individually customised for you. All flights are optional.

Meet our Bhutan team

Teamwork, fair pay and respectful treatment of our employees are the secret of our success. Get to know our Bhutan team...

Our team introduces itself...
berghorizonte Bhutan Team Trekking
Do you have any more questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

berghorizonte Geschäftsführer Managing Director Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

Ihre Reisewünsche: z.B. Reiseziel, Inhalte, Reiselänge, Zeitraum, Komfortgrad etc.

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