Trip report and feedback from the Dagala Trek

Monika, H.

Monika, H.

Panoramic views, cultural highlights on an individual trip

Dear berghorizonte team!

First of all, I would like to compliment you on the great organization and the good support before the trek and during the Bhutan tour. All my questions were always answered quickly and satisfactorily.

You also provided me with so much information in advance, which contained all the important details.

Now a short feedback & travel report on the Bhutan trip in the country itself.

As soon as I landed in Paro, I felt welcome in this country; the beautiful airport buildings let me dive into another world.

After passport control, we were warmly welcomed by our guide and driven to the hotel by our friendly, confident driver "Zangi". On all of our excursions by car, Zangi was courteous and drove us safely and without fear through the narrow, bumpy roads.

We were lucky to have a guide who spoke German so well and who told us so much about the great country. He always tried to please everyone, accommodated all our special requests and was very sensitive, helpful and attentive. He could almost read our every wish from our lips and was always there for us.

At each new place he found great, Bhutanese accommodation for us. We were always in good hands, whether it was in the former farmhouse or in the comfort hotel in Paro. Even if the bed sheet wasn't completely clean, that wasn't a problem for me. The laundry was always freshly washed. I never compared the standard in a country like this with that in Switzerland.

The short and long hikes before the trek helped us get used to the altitude and our guide got to know each and every one of us. He let each of us walk at our own pace, which I really appreciated, there was enough time to take photos and we could also enjoy the peace and quiet and solitude. If there was a turnoff, he quickly ran to the front or organized one of the helpers who was standing by so that no one got lost. As a local guide, he also took us to places where tourists don't normally go. For example, we visited a monastery where we had lunch and were able to take part in the life of the monks, and look into their bedrooms and classrooms. We also spontaneously visited some farmhouses at our request.

I was particularly looking forward to the Dagala trekking. And here too, there is only praise. Everything was well organized.

The horse people with their horses were almost impatiently waiting for us. They mastered their work very well and were so kind to their animals. Nono the cook and his helpers always spoiled us with the best menus and even in this isolation, they responded to our wishes. Here, too, I appreciated being able to walk for an hour all by myself without always having to wait for those behind or being pushed.

It was an impressive, unforgettable trip through Bhutan - to a country that is still very untouched and with many lovely, content people. I will remember the wonderful time for a long time and enjoy the great photos.

Best wishes from Switzerland, Monika

Camp trekking on the Druk Path Trek
Camp trekking on the Druk Path Trek
Our guides in Bhutan
Happy mountain horizon guests in front of the tiger's nest
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If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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