Accommodation in Bhutan: variety, comfort and authenticity

Bhutan, the land of the thunder dragon, offers a wide range of accommodation to suit the different needs and preferences of travellers. From luxurious 5- and 6-star hotels, cosy 3-star hotels and charming lodges to authentic homestays and farm lodges, Bhutan offers accommodation to suit every taste and budget.

Discover the variety of accommodation in Bhutan and enjoy an unforgettable stay in this fascinating country.

Do you have any more questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

Christian Schubert

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

berghorizonte GmbH
Christian Schubert
Alatseestrasse 18
D-87629 Füssen im Allgäu

Montag - Samstag:
09 - 19 Uhr

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